ЭКОТОПФИЛЬМ 2001. Фестиваль профессионального экологического кино пройдет в конце октября в Братиславе

ИСАР Москва сообщает, что 22-26 октября 2001 г. в Братиславе (Словакия) состоится международный фестиваль профессиональных экологических фильмов, ТВ и видеопрограмм "ЭКОТОПФИЛЬМ 2001". Всем заинтересованным необходимо обратиться в секретариат фестиваля. Основная информация на английском языке.

International Festival of Professional Films, TV and Videoprogrammes EKOTOPFILM 2001

22-26 October 2001, Bratislava

The festival is held under the personal auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic Mr. Rudolf Schuster and the professional guarantee and co-operation of 12 Ministries, the capital city Bratislava together with other authorities and institutions.

The main professional guarantor of the Festival is the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. The Representative Preview of the Professional Works of the USA will be part of the XXVIII festival.

The programme of the Festival focuses on all branches of economic, industrial and human stressing the need of the sustainable development being the continuous process, which should be joined by all inhabitants. We are certain your Films or programmes will provide us with unconventional ideas as well as professional, proficient topical information and problem solutions dealing with the permanent human development and progress of the society. They will face the level of human relationships, their moral and ethic value as well as they will reflect the new trends of the technical development and state-of-the-art of nature environment and the relation of human activities towards it. They will also deal with the consequences of human activities and the possible elimination of its negative effects.

Festival Director and President of Festival Committee would like to welcome those who participate regularly as well as those who will do that for the first time.

Festival Director and President of Festival Committee look forward to meeting both your films, TV or Video programmes and you personally at Ekotopfilm 2001 in Bratislava - the beauty on the River Danube.

Contact for written contact: EKOTOPFIIM, Secretariat, P. 0. Box 51, 820 12 Bratislava 212, Slovak republic

Contact for personal contact: Klariskd 7, 811 03 Bratislava, Phone: +421-7-544 18 495 - 6, Fax: +421-7-432 93 614 E-mail: ekotopfilm@ekotopfilm.sk http://www.ekotopfilm.sk apmuzeum@aprec.ru